Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Chesterquest submission

The following are a few examples of my sequential art work. The first three being pages from a possible Viper Comics project called "The Knight Club; The Bat & the Crow" (pages 1-3), written by Christopher H. Wolf.

Following that are a selection of random works: page 1 from the short story, " 'Squatch", also written by Christopher H. Wolf, publish by Viper Comics in their "Sasquatch" anthology. After that are a couple of examples from the Joe Kubert Penciling course that I completed in 2006.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hello Everybody

I've waiting long enough to do one of these 'blog' dealies, but there have been many recent developments in my art career, so I can wait no longer.

So, check out the latest development!

This is the first bit of merchandising associated with the next work-in-progress,
"Hellrising" the comic! Hopefully, this is the next project to be approved by Viper Comics:

Keep your fingers crossed! Now get on sketch86 & by some damn t-shirts!